Albion Park (QLD) |
Golden Oldies H
520m |
Calculated by an average of Bookmaker prices
Flucs | Open | Today | Fluc -3 | Fluc -2 | Fluc -1 | Win | |||||||||||||||||
- | - | - | - | - | - |
Career Statistics | ||||
Stats | Win % | Place % | Rank | |
Total | 61-9-10-9 | 15% | 46% | N/A |
Distance | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Track | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Track / Dist | 19-2-2-4 | 11% | 42% | N/A |
Day | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Night | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
1st up | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
2nd up | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
3rd up | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
4th up | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Group 1 | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Group 2 | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Group 3 | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Listed | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
WFA | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Jumps | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Track Conditions | ||||
Stats | Win % | Place % | Rank | |
Firm | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Good | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Soft | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Heavy | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Synthetic | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
All wet | 0-0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Stable Stats | ||||
Stats | Win % | Place % | Rank | |
Trainer 12mth | --- | 0% | 0% | N/A |
Patrick Gainey |
Trained at: | Murrays Bridge | |||
Owners: | Patrick Gainey | |||
Age/Sex: | 24/03/2021 Red Fwn Dog | |||
Breeding: | Hard Style Rico - Ryall |
1 of 8 | 9 |
Albion Park
15/01/2025, Race 12, 395m, 5, 22.87s (10.68)
Finished 1/8
1.5L, $2275, Box 2, 32.4kg,
$1.85, In-running: 1-1
Bye Bye Taipan
4 of 8 | 7 |
Albion Park
06/01/2025, Race 9, 520m, 5, 31.08s (5.8, 18.09)
Finished 4/8
9.25L, $465, Box 3, 32.3kg,
$4.20, In-running: 7-4-4
Hello Warren
4 of 8 | 7 |
Albion Park
30/12/2024, Race 8, 520m, 5, 30.69s (5.67, 17.68)
Finished 4/8
2.5L, $465, Box 4, 31.8kg,
$16.00, In-running: 3-5-4
1 of 8 | 7 |
Albion Park
23/12/2024, Race 11, 520m, 5, 30.45s (5.58, 17.44)
Finished 1/8
1.75L, $3510, Box 2, 32.1kg,
$3.30, In-running: 2-2-1
Minter Formula
3 of 7 | 5 |
Albion Park
16/12/2024, Race 9, 520m, 5, 30.91s (5.69, 17.69)
Finished 3/7
2.25L, $540, Box 2, 32.0kg,
$3.10, In-running: 1-3-3
5 of 8 | 9 |
Albion Park
11/12/2024, Race 6, 520m, 5, 30.76s (5.66)
Finished 5/8
5.75L, $70, Box 4, 32.3kg,
$19.00, In-running: 4-5
Van Helsing
2 of 8 | 14 |
Albion Park
02/12/2024, Race 3, 520m, 5, 30.6s (5.6, 17.47)
Finished 2/8
1.25L, $1080, Box 3, 32.1kg,
$7.50, In-running: 1-1-2
Mumma's Brew
4 of 8 | 7 |
Albion Park
18/11/2024, Race 11, 520m, 5, 30.64s (5.66, 17.68)
Finished 4/8
4.75L, $270, Box 3, 32.3kg,
$7.50, In-running: 4-5-4
Obliging Lionel
3 of 7 | 5 |
Albion Park
11/11/2024, Race 10, 520m, 5, 30.9s (5.65, 17.72)
Finished 3/7
2.0L, $540, Box 6, 32.4kg,
$10.00, In-running: 3-3-3
Van Helsing
3 of 8 | 9 |
Albion Park
06/11/2024, Race 11, 395m, 5, 23.03s (10.69)
Finished 3/8
1.0L, $350, Box 5, 32.5kg,
$14.00, In-running: 3-3
Uno Cha Cha